Transcribed Sermons
Reformed and Puritan Sermons – Mid-Week
Sermon Series:
The following reformed and puritan sermons are updated from old manuscripts into modern English and re-preached at Grace Chapel on Wednesday nights, or other fitting times.
Spiritual Desertions Discovered and Remedied by Samuel Willard (1640-1707), Psalm 30:7
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2024)
- Exhortation 1: Introduction to Desertions and Psalm 30
- Exhoration 2: Causes of Desertions
- Exhortation 3: Causes of Desertions Part 2
- Exhortation 4: Reasons for Desertion
- Exhortation 5: Length of Desertions and Degree
- Exhortation 6: Effects of Desertion on Various People
- Exhortation 7: Use 1 – General and Particular Uses
- Exhortation 8: How to See Others in Their Desertion
- Exhortation 9: Second Uses and Types of Desertion
- Exhortation 10 – Uses for Those Despondent
- Exhortation 11 – Final Use and Application
Christ’s Righteousness Imputed by Michael Harrison (1640-1729), Isaiah 45:24-25
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2024)
- Exhortation 1: Justification Intro
- Exhortation 2: Justification and Faith in Paul and James
- Exhortation 3: Imputation of Christ’s Active and Passive Obedience
- Exhortation 4: The Time of Justification
- Exhortation 5: Objections Answered
- Exhortation 6: Uses and Application
Riley and Savannah Molloy Wedding, Eph. 5:34-35
(Preached at Grace Chapel July 5, 2024)
- Exhortation: Wedding Ceremony
Putting on Christ by Thomas Hooker (1586-1647), Malachi 3:1
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2024)
- Exhortation 1: Introduction to Hooker’s Work, Vivification, Col. 3:10 (April 10, 20-24)
- Exhortation 2: The Soul Implanted into Christ, (April 17, 2024)
- Exhortation 3: God in the Soul, (April 24, 2024)
- Exhortation 4: Uses of God in the Soul, (May 1, 2024)
- Exhortation 5: The Soul’s Possession, (May 15, 2024)
- Exhortation 6: Three Ways to Put on Christ and Take Off Sin, (May 22, 2024)
- Exhortation 7: Meditation a Help to Put on Christ, (May 29, 2024)
- Exhortation 8: “Uses” to Putting on Christ and Taking Off Sin (June 5, 2024)
- Exhortation 9: Final Uses of Putting on Christ and Mortifying Sin, (June 12, 2024)
The Comfort of Christ to Weak Believers by John Durant (1620-1686), Isaiah 40:11
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2023-2024)
- Exhortation 1: Introduction and Doctrine from Isaiah 40:11 – Jesus Christ conducts Himself very gently and tenderly, both towards all His members and especially towards His weak members.
- Exhortation 2: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is very tender to his weak members – beginners and babes.
- Exhortation 3: Isaiah 40:11, Six Kinds of Souls that Christ is Tender Towards.
- Exhortation 4: Isaiah 40:11, Why Christ is Tender towards weak believers.
- Exhortation 5: Isaiah 40:11, Will Christ Love Me? Objections Answered.
- Exhortation 6: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is Tender to those Weak in Various Circumstances
- Exhortation 7: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is Tender to Working Believers
- Exhortation 8: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is Angry with Our Sin, But Supportive in Lawful Endeavors
- Exhortation 9: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is Sweet to Fallen Believers
- Exhortation 10: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is Sweet to Sinning Believers
- Exhortation 11: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is Sweet to Suffering Believers
- Exhortation 12: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is Sweet to His People – Concluding Remakrs Part 1
- Exhortation 13: Isaiah 40:11, Christ is Sweet to His People – Concluding Remarks Part 2
Contemplations on the Passion and Death of Christ by Charles Herle (1598-1659) (Various Scriptures)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2022-2023)
- Sweating Great Drops of Blood, Luke 22:44ff
- Judas the Betrayer, Luke 22:47
- Jesus Arrested in the Garden, Luke 22:53ff
- Christ Abandoned by His Disciples, John 16:32
- Christ Mocked by the Soldiers, Luke 22:50ff
- Christ Before Pilate, Luke 23:1
- Christ Clothed by Pilate and Herod, Matthew 27:28
- Christ’s Crown of Thorns, Matthew 27:29
- Christ’s Hollow Reed and Scepter, Matthew 27:29ff
- Christ’s Rejected and Barabbas Released, Luke 23:18
- Christ Carries His Cross, Simon of Cyrene and the Weeping Women, John 19:17
- Christ Crucified, Matthew 27:23
- Christ Reviled on the Cross, Matthew 27:39
- Christ Crucified Between Two Thieves, Matthew 27:30-39
- Christ on the Cross at Golgotha, Matthew 26-27
- Christ Cares for His Mother, John 19:17-19
- Christ Dies in the Blackest Darkness, John 19:20ff
- Christ is Surrounded by Darkness and Earthquakes, Luke 23:44-45
- Christ says It is Finished and the Veil is Torn, Matthew 27:50-52
- Christ’s Side is Pierced by a Spear, John 19:24
- Christ Raised from the Dead, Mark 16:5-6
Misc Sermons and Exhortation (Various Preachers and Scriptures)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2022-2023)
- The Golden Chain of Salvation Includes more than Just Being Saved, Richard Greenham (1531-1594) (Matthew 25:34)
Explanation of Church Offices by C. Matthew McMahon (Various Scriptures)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2022)
- Exhortation to Deacons, Phil 1:1; Acts 6:1-4
- Laying on of Hands, 1 Tim. 5:22
Quiet Time by Various Ministers
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2022)
- The Time of Daily Quiet Time Matthew 6:6
- Meditating on Profitable Topics, Psalm 119:16
Hiding Thy Word in My Heart by Thomas Manton (1620-1677) on Psalm 119:11.
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2022)
God, a Rich Supply of All Good by Nathaniel Holmes (1599-1678) on Phil. 4:19.
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2022)
Directions for Hearing the Word of God with Profit by Daniel Burgess (1645-1713) on Luke 8.
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2022)
The Cursed Family by Thomas Risley (1630-1716) on Genesis 2:18
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2022)
- Part 1:The Family, and the Cursed Family, Gen. 2:18
- Part 2: Wicked Families Shut out of Heaven and Blessings, Gen. 2:18
- Part 3: The Examples of Wicked Parents to Children, Gen. 2:18
- Part 4: How Wicked Families Influence the Church and Country, Gen. 2:18
Charity and Its Fruits by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2021-2022)
- Part 1: Love is the Sum of all Christian Virtues, 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
- Part 2: Love is Greater than Extraordinary Gifts of the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 13:1-2
- Part 3: Love in Sincerity from the Heart, 1 Corinthians 13:3
- Part 4: Love Suffers Long, 1 Corinthians 13:4
- Part 5: Love Does not Envy, 1 Corinthians 13:4
- Part 6: Love is Humble, 1 Corinthians 13:4
- Part 7: Love is Not Selfish, 1 Corinthians 13:5
- Part 8: Love is Not Easily Provoked (Anger), 1 Corinthians 13:5
- Part 9: Love is Not Censorious (Judgey), 1 Corinthians 13:5
- Part 10: Loving the Truth, PART 1 – 1 Corinthians 13:6
- Part 10: Loving the Truth, PART 2 – 1 Corinthians 13:6
- Part 11: Love Suffers All for Christ, 1 Corinthians 13:7
- Part 12: Love is Linked to All Other Graces, 1 Corinthians 13:7
- Part 13: Love in its Perseverance, 1 Corinthians 13:7
- Part 14: Love is Eternal and Greater than Any other Spiritual Gifts, 1 Corinthians 13:8
- Part 15: (Section 1) Heaven is a World of Love, 1 Corinthians 13:8-13
- Part 15: (Section 2) Heaven is a World of Love, 1 Corinthians 13:8-13
- Part 15: (Section 3) Heaven is a World of Love, 1 Corinthians 13:8-13
The Reasonableness of Christianity by Jonathan Dickinson (1688-1747) on Romans 1:20
(Preached at Grace Chapel April, 2022)
The Wonders of Jesus by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) on Isaiah 9:6
(Preached at Grace Chapel April, 2022)
- Sermon 1: The Wonders of Jesus in His Person
- Sermon 2:The Wonders of Jesus in His Offices
- Sermon 2 Part 2: The Wonders of Jesus in His Offices
- Sermon 3: The Wonders of Jesus in His Miracles and Endowments
- Sermon 4: The Wonders of Jesus in His Humiliation
- Sermon 5: The Wonders of Jesus in His Resurrection and Ascension
- Sermon 6: The Wonders of Jesus – Application
The Prospect of Eternity by Thomas Doolittle (1632-1707)
(Preached at Grace Chapel February, 2022)
- Sermon 1: What is Eternity? 2 Cor 4:18
- Sermon 2: The Soul in Eternity, 2 Cor. 4:18
- Sermon 3: Working in Light of Eternity, 2 Cor. 4:18
- Sermon 4: Conclusions on Eternity, 2 Cor. 4:18
Various Sermons by Rev. William Williams (1666-1741)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2021)
Sermons by George Gifford (1547-1620)
Preached at Grace Chapel 2020-2021
- Sovereign Election, Faith and Assurance, Part 1, (2 Peter 1:1-4)
- Sovereign Election, Faith and Assurance, Part 2, (2 Peter 1:5-7)
- Sovereign Election, Faith and Assurance, Part 3, (2 Peter 1:8-10)
- Sovereign Election, Faith and Assurance, Part 4, (2 Peter 1:10-11)
- Rejecting God’s Blessing and the Profaneness of Esau (Hebrews 12:16-17)
- Worldly Riches vs Taking Hold of Eternal Life in the Living God (1 Tim. 6:17-19)
- Three that Bear Record, the Spirit, Blood and Water (1 John 5:7-13)
- Shall We Continue in Sin? (Romans 6:1-14)
- Resisting the Devil, Sermon 1 (1 Peter 5:8-9)
- Resisting the Devil, Sermon 2 (1 Peter 5:8-9)
- The Great Mystery of Providence (Gen. 45:8)
- The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9)
- The Unity and Concord of the Brethren (Psalm 133:1)
- Faith and Works (James 2:14-26)
- Guiding the Tongue (James 3:1-12)
Remember Your Creator in the Days of Your Youth, by Matthew Mead (1630-1699) Eccl. 12:1
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2021)
Sweet, Godly Meditation, by William Bridge (1600-1670) Psalm 104:34
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2021)
The Excellent Name of God, by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1647) Psalm 148:13
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2021)
- Sermon 1: The Excellent Name of God Part 1
- Sermon 2: The Excellent Name of God Part 2
- Sermon 3: The Excellent Name of God Part 3
The Blessed God, by Daniel Burgess (1645-1713)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2021)
- Sermon 1: The Blessed God Part 1 – God All-Sufficient, Gen. 17:1
- Sermon 2: The Blessed God and Assurance of Salvation Part 2, Romans 5:12
Christ’s Love to the Believer, by John Durant (1620-1686) on Ephesians 3:19
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2021)
- Sermon 1: There is love in Christ’s heart towards all Believers.
- Sermon 2: Christ’s Love is Transcendent towards all Believers
- Sermon 3: Christ’s Love is Transcendent Part 2
- Sermon 4: Christ’s Transcendent Love in Care for Believers
- Sermon 5: Take Time to Study Christ’s Transcendent Love
- Sermon 6: Conclusion to the Series
Loves Between Christ and His Church, by Samuel Bolton (1606-1664)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2020)
- Sermon 1: Christ Ravished by His Bride, Song of Songs 4:9
- Sermon 2: Christ Ravished with What the Saints Will Be, Song of Songs 4:9
- Sermon 3: Christ’s Quickening, Comforting and Supporting Presence, Song of Songs 4:9
- Sermon 4: Christ’s Mercy Ministered to the Church, Song of Songs 4:9
- Sermon 5: Nine Signs of Love Back to Christ, Song of Songs 4:9
- Sermon 6: Walking in Light of Christ’s Love to the Christian, Song of Songs 4:9
The Beauty of God in His House, on Psalm 27:4, by Richard Sibbes (1577-1635)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2021)
- Sermon 1: The Beauty of God, Part 1
- Sermon 2: The Beauty of God, Part 2
- Sermon 3: The Beauty of God, Part 3
- Sermon 4: The Beauty of God, Part 4
Psalm 46:1, 3 Sermons by George Gipps (n.d.) Westminster Divine
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2020)
Misc Topics
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2020-2021)
- Hermeneutical Surprises in the Birth Narrative, Matthew 1:18-19, Luke 2:1-20, Edited by McMahon
- Hermeneutical Surprises in John 8, John 7:53-8:11, Bailey, Hendricksen, Metzger, McMahon
- Hermeneutical Surprises in the Parable of the Vineyard, Matthew 20:1-16, Bailey, Manton, van Rad, Brinsley, McMahon
Various Sermons on Divine Attributes
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2020-2021)
- The Unity of the Divine Essence by Thomas Vincent (1634-1678) Deut. 6:4
- The Unity of God by Peter van Mastricht (1630-1706) Deut. 6:4
- Concerning the Unity of God by Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386) Isaiah 45:16-17
- The Wisdom of God by Thomas Manton (1620-1677) 1 Cor. 1:24
- The Wisdom of God by John Tillotson (1630-1694) Jude 1:25
- God is Spirit by John Flavel (1627-1691) John 4:24
- The Spirit of God and Prayer by Thomas Manton (1620-1677) John 4:24
- God is Spirit by Stephen Charnock (1628-1680) John 4:24
- God is a Spirit by John Calvin (1509-1564) John 4:22-26
- The Simplicity of God by Peter van Mastricht (1630-1706) 1 John 1:5
- The Worship of the Simple God by John Wilson (1588-1667) John 4:23-24
- The Simple Being of God by Edward Leigh (1602-1671) 2 Cor. 3:17
- Mercy in Christ Without Which There is No Peace by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) Isaiah 61:1
- Imputation of Christ’s Righteousness to Believers by John Owen (1616-1683) Psalm 130:3-4
- God’s Just Judgments Averted Only by Reformation by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Jonah 3:10
- Christ’s Righteousness and Imputation by Francis Roberts (1609-1675) Jeremiah 23:6
- Christ’s Righteousness Imputed by Michael Harrison (1640-1729) Isaiah 45:24-25
- The Patience of Christ by John Flavel (1627-1691) Rev. 3:20
- The God of Patience by Octavius Winslow (1808-1878) Romans 15:5
- Divine Forbearance by William S. Plumer (1802-1880) Ezekiel 18:20
- The Lord our Righteousness by George Whitefield (1714-1770) Jer. 23:6
- God Not to Be Worshipped by an Image by Benjamin Needler (1620-1682) Matthew 4:10
- The Image of the Invisible God by Thomas Manton (1620-1677) Col. 1:15
- Errors Against the Invisibility of God by William Lyford (1598-1653) Deut. 4:12
- The Jealous God by John Calvin (1509-1564) Exodus 20:5
- The Privilege of Fearing the Jealous God by Thomas Manton (1620-1677) Malachi 3:17
- Provoking the Lord to Jealousy in the Worship of God by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) 1 Cor. 10:22
- The Infinite and Incomprehensible God by Francis Cheynell (1608-1665) Romans 1:20
- God is Incomprehensible by Stephen Charnock (1628-1680) Job 26:14
- The Infinity of God by Peter van Mastricht (1630-1706) Romans 11:33
- An Exhortation that God is Infinite by Thomas Watson (1620-1686) 1 Kings 8:27
- Divine Faithfulness by John Flavel (1627-1691) Micah 7:7
- The Faithfulness of God by Peter van Mastricht (1630-1706) Romans 3:3-4
- God’s Faithfulness from Generation to Generation by Thomas Manton (1620-1677) Psalm 119:90
- The Eternity of God by Wilhelmus a’Brakel (1635-1711) Deut. 33:27
- The Eternity of God by Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) Psalm 90:2
- Seeing the Glory of Christ by John Owen (1616-1683) John 17:24
- Glorious Grace by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Zech. 4:7
- Jesus Christ Gloriously Exalted in the Work of Redemption by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) 1 Cor. 15:25-26
- The Glory of Christ in His Offices by William S. Plumer (1802-1880) Matthew 11:27
- God is Invisible by Peter van Mastricht (1630-1706) Job 11:7
- The Beauty of God by Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661), Song of Songs 5:10
- The Omniscience of God by Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949) Isaiah 29:15
- The Eternity of God by Charles Hodge (1797-1878) Deut. 3:27
- God’s All-Sufficiency and Condescension in Revealing Himself by Edward Polhill (1622-1694) Exodus 3:14
- The Omniscience of God, Part 1 by Thomas Watson (1620-1686) Heb. 4:13
- The Trinity by Thomas Watson (1620-1686) 1 John 5:7
- The Trinity by John Calvin (1509-1564) Hebrews 1:3
- The Trinity by William Ames (1576-1633) Matthew 28:19
- The Doctrine of the Trinity by Thomas Boston (1676-1732) 1 John 5:6-9
- The Triune God by J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937) Genesis 1:1
- How Jesus Paid it All by John H. Gerstner (1914-1996) Isaiah 53:3
- The Immutability of God by Thomas Watson (1620-1686) Malachi 3:6
- The Immutability of God by Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) Malachi 3:6
- The Immutable Mercy of Jesus Christ by Thomas Adams (1583-1652) Hebrews 13:8
- The Immutability of God By Hugh Binning (1627–1653) Exodus 3:14
- God Possesses All Possible Perfections by Robert Shaw (1795-1863) Matthew 5:48
- What do you mean when you say “God?” by J. I. Packer (1926-2020) Genesis 1:1
- The Perfections of God Part 1 (Name of God) by Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711) Isa. 42:8
- The Perfections of God Part 2 (Essence of God) by Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711) Genesis 1:1
- The Perfections of God Part 3 (Contemplation of God) by Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711) Genesis 1:1
- The Wrath of God, Part 1, by Thomas Vincent (1634-1678), 1 Thess. 1:10
- The Wrath of God, Part 2, by Thomas Vincent (1634-1678), 1 Thess. 1:10
- The Wrath of God, Part 3, by Thomas Vincent (1634-1678), 1 Thess. 1:10
- The Wrath of God, by Thomas Boston (1676-1732), John 3:39
- The Justice of God, by Thomas Watson (1620-1686), Psalm 89:14
- The Wisdom of God, by Thomas Watson (1620-1686), Job 9:4
- The Eternality of God, by Thomas Watson (1620-1686), Psalm 90:2
- The Omnipresence of God, by Thomas Watson (1620-1686), Jer. 23:34
- God’s Excellencies by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Psalm 89:6
- The Wicked Useful in Their Destruction Only by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Ezekiel 15:2-4
- Suffering for Grace and Righteousness in Jesus Christ by Peter Sterry (1613-1672) Romans 5:21
- Do Not Frustrate the Grace of God by Robert Traill (1642-1716) Galatians 2:21
- The Goodness of God by Stephen Charnock (1628-1680) Psalm 119:68
- The Goodness of God by Peter van Mastricht (1630-1706) Matthew 19:17
- The Holiness of God by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Isaiah 6:3
- The Omnipresence of God by Ezekiel Hopkins (1633-1690) Psalm 139:7-10
- Practical Thoughts on God’s Immensity by Ezekiel Hopkins (1633-1690) 1 Kings 8:27
- Holy, Holy, Holy by Robert Leighton (1611-1684) Isaiah 6:3
- Immensity John Arrowsmith (1602-1659) Job 11:9
God’s Divine Attributes in Light of Christ’s Work, by William Bates (1625-1699) (14 Sermons)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2020)
- Sermon 1: Introduction, Psalm 147:5
- Sermon 2: Wisdom, Proverbs 8:14
- Sermon 3: Goodness (Exhortation), Psalm 31:19
- Sermon 4: Incomprehensible, Job 11:7
- Sermon 5: Mercy, 2 Cor. 1:3
- Sermon 6: The Justice of God, 1 Peter 2:24
- Sermon 7: The Completeness of Christ’s Work, 1 Cor 15:25
- Sermon 8: The Love of God, Eph. 3:18
- Sermon 9: An Exhortation of Pardon Through Christ, John 3:16
- Sermon 10: Magnifying Mercy, Heb. 8:12
- Sermon 11: Truth, Titus 1:2
- Sermon 12: Holiness, Exod. 15:15
- Sermon 13: Power, Psa. 96:4-5
- Sermon 14: Grace, Romans 3:24
A Call to Delaying Sinners, by Thomas Doolittle (1632-1707) (8 sermons in the series on Psalm 119:60)
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2020)
- Sermon 1: Coming in Haste
- Sermon 2: Now or Never
- Sermon 3: Repent Today
- Sermon 4: Stop Sinning
- Sermon 5: Exhorting Young and Old
- Sermon 6: Slow in Coming to Christ
- Sermon 7: Isn’t Christ Merciful?
- Sermon 8: Take God to be Your God
Sermons on Christ, His Person and the Gospel
(Preached at Grace Chapel 2020)
- Christ is the Truth by Martin Luther (1483-1546) John 14:6
- Christ is a Person Transcendentally Excellent and Desirable, Song of Songs 1:3 by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
- Christ’s Humiliation, Phil. 2:7-8, by William S. Plumer (1802-1880)
- Christ’s Resurrection, Psalm 95:1, by William S. Plumer (1802-1880)
- Christ’s Ascension and Session, 1 Peter 1:21, by William S. Plumer (1802-1880)
- Christ’s Judgment, Eccl. 12:14, by William S. Plumer (1802-1880)
- Christ Exalted, 1 Cor. 15:25-26, by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
- The Deity of Jesus Christ, John 1:1-5, by John Calvin (1509-1564)
- The Glory of Jesus Christ, John 17:24, by John Owen (1616-1683)
- Glorying in the Savior, Isa. 45:25, by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
- The Effectual Application of Christ to the Soul, 1 Cor 1:30, by John Flavel (1627-1691)
- The Mystical Union Between Christ and His People, Song of Songs 2:16, by Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
- On Perverting the Gospel of Christ, Gal. 1:6-8, by John Calvin (1509-1564)
- Christ Our Redemption, 1Cor. 1:30, by George Whitefield (1714-1770)
- Jesus Christ the Only Foundation, Isaiah 28:16-17 by Samuel Davies (1723-1761)
- Jesus is the Light of the World by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) John 8:12
Sermons on Deliverance by Christ and the Nature of Practical Religion, by John Kettlewell (1653-1695)
5 Sermons on Various Topics, Preached at Grace Chapel 2020
- Deliverance from All Our Sins, Matthew 1:21
- Christian Obedience, Phil. 4:13
- Sincere Repentance, Acts 11:23
- The Admirable Use of Wisdom, Luke 16:8
- The Work of Prayer, Matthew 7:7-8
Sermons on Reading and Profiting in the Scriptures
Preached at Grace Chapel 2020-2021
- The Rule of the Word of God, Titus 1:15-16 by John Calvin (1509-1564)
- How We May Profit by the Reading of the Scriptures, Deut. 17:19 by Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
- The Duty of Searching the Scriptures, John 5:39 by George Whitefield (1714-1770)
- How to Hear Sermons, Luke 8:18 by George Whitefield (1714-1770)
- Directions for Profitable Hearing of the Word Preached, Deut. 32:46-47 by Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
- Directions for Reading and Studying the Scriptures, Acts 17:11 by Richard Greenham (1535-1594)
- Praying in Studying the Bible, by John Owen (1616-1683) Psalm 119:2
- Hearing God’s Voice by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Psalm 95:7-8
Sermons on Meditating on the Scriptures
Preached at Grace Chapel 2020
- Solemn Meditation, Psalm 104:34 by George Swinnock (1627-1673)
- Occasional Meditation (Part 1), Genesis 24:63 by Edmund Calamy (1600-1666)
- Meditating on the Word, Psalm 1:1-3 by Martin Luther (1483-1546)
- Instructions for Meditation, Psalm 1:2 by Thomas White (d. 1672)
- What is Meditation? Joshua 1:8 by Richard Allestree (1619-1681)
Sermons on Prayer
Preached at Grace Chapel 2020
- The Importance of Prayer, Luke 18:1 by JC Ryle (1816-1900)
Sermons by Augustine (354-430)
Preached at Grace Chapel 2020
- Rejoicing in Seeking God, Psalm 105:3