Psalm 115
This psalm instructs us, (1.) To whom glory and praise ought to be ascribed: not to ourselves, but to God’s mercy and truth, ver. 1; not to lifeless, senseless idols, but to God, whose throne is in the heavens, and who doeth whatever he pleaseth, ver. 2-8, 15-16. (2.) How we are to glorify God: 1. By trusting in him, crediting his promise and receiving his blessings, ver. 9-15. 2. By blessing him while we live, ver. 17-18.
Learn, my soul, to deny thyself; to take up thy cross and follow Christ; and to keep thyself from idols. But, make Jehovah, as reconciled in Christ, thy portion, thy trust, thy help, thy shield, thy blessedness, thy comfort, thy praise; and consider thine earthly enjoyments as the gracious gifts of thy God, and an earnest of thy far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
1 Not unto us, Lord, not to us,
but do thou glory take
Unto thy name, ev’n for thy truth,
and for thy mercy’s sake.
2 O wherefore should the heathen say,
Where is their God now gone?
3 But our God in the heavens is,
what pleased him he hath done.
4 Their idols silver are and gold,
work of men’s hands they be.
5 Mouths have they, but they do not speak;
and eyes, but do not see;
6 Ears have they, but they do not hear;
noses, but savor not;
7 Hands, feet, but handle not, nor walk;
nor speak they through their throat.
8 Like them their makers are, and all
on them their trust that build.
9 O Isr’el, trust thou in the Lord,
he is their help and shield.
10 O Aaron’s house, trust in the Lord,
their help and shield is he.
11 Ye that fear God, trust in the Lord,
their help and shield he’ll be.
12 The Lord of us hath mindful been,
and he will bless us still:
He will the house of Isr’el bless,
bless Aaron’s house he will.
13 Both small and great, that fear the Lord,
he will them surely bless.
14 The Lord will you, you and your seed,
aye more and more increase.
15 O bless-ed are ye of the Lord,
who made the earth and heav’n.
16 The heav’n, ev’n heav’ns, are God’s, but he
earth to men’s sons hath giv’n.
17 The dead, nor who to silence go,
God’s praise do not record.
18 But henceforth we for ever will
bless God. Praise ye the Lord.