The Psalms of David in Metre

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Psalm 144

This psalm was probably composed by David upon the occasion of his advancement to the throne, 1 Chron. 12, 2 Sam. 5, as Psalm 138, 75, etc. In it we have, (1.) Thankful acknowledgements of God’s relation to him, and condescending kindness towards him, ver. 1-4. (2.) Supplication for divine deliverance from his enemies, who still threatened him, ver. 5-8; and for prosperity to his kingdom, ver. 11-14. (3.) Triumphant joy in God, as his and their deliverer and portion, ver. 9-10, 15.

While I sing, let me admire the relation, the kindness of God to me, who am so mean, so frail, so sinful! Let me rejoice in him, as my all in all; and commit my way to him, that he may bring it to pass. And let every external benefit lead up my heart to God himself.

A Psalm of David.

1 O blessed ever be the Lord,
who is my strength and might,
Who doth instruct my hands to war,
my fingers teach to fight.

2 My goodness, fortress, my high tow’r,
deliverer, and shield,
In whom I trust: who under me
my people makes to yield.

3 Lord, what is man, that thou of him
dost so much knowledge take?
Or son of man, that thou of him
so great account dost make?

4 Man is like vanity; his days,
as shadows, pass away.
5 Lord, bow thy heav’ns, come down,
touch thou the hills, and smoke shall they.

6 Cast forth thy lightning, scatter them;
thine arrows shoot, them rout.
7 Thine hand send from above, me save;
from great depths draw me out;

And from the hand of children strange,
8 Whose mouth speaks vanity;
And their right hand is a right hand
that works deceitfully.

9 A new song I to thee will sing,
Lord, on a psaltery;
I on a ten-stringed instrument
will praises sing to thee.

10 Ev’n he it is that unto kings
salvation doth send;
Who his own servant David doth
from hurtful sword defend.

11 O free me from strange children’s hand,
whose mouth speaks vanity;
And their right hand a right hand is
that works deceitfully.

12 That, as the plants, our sons may be
in youth grown up that are;
Our daughters like to corner-stones,
carved like a palace fair.

13 That to afford all kind of store
our garners may be filled;
That our sheep thousands, in our streets
ten thousands they may yield.

14 That strong our oxen be for work,
that no in-breaking be,
Nor going out; and that our streets
may from complaints be free.

15 Those people blessed are who be
in such a case as this;
Yea, blessed all those people are,
whose God Jehovah is.

LM Second Version

1 O Lord, thou art my God and King;
Thee will I magnify and praise:
I will thee bless, and gladly sing
Unto thy holy name always.

2 Each day I rise I will thee bless,
And praise thy name time without end.
3 Much to be praised, and great God is;
His greatness none can comprehend.

4 Race shall thy works praise unto race,
The mighty acts show done by thee.
5 I will speak of the glorious grace,
And honor of thy majesty;

Thy wondrous works I will record.
6 By men the might shall be extolled
Of all thy dreadful acts, O Lord:
And I thy greatness will unfold.

7 They utter shall abundantly
The mem’ry of thy goodness great;
And shall sing praises cheerfully,
Whilst they thy righteousness relate.

8 The Lord our God is gracious,
Compassionate is he also;
In mercy he is plenteous,
But unto wrath and anger slow.

9 Good unto all men is the Lord:
O’er all his works his mercy is.
10 Thy works all praise to thee afford:
Thy saints, O Lord, thy name shall bless.

11 The glory of thy kingdom show
Shall they, and of thy power tell:
12 That so men’s sons his deeds may know,
His kingdom’s grace that doth excel.

13 Thy kingdom hath none end at all,
It doth through ages all remain.
14 The Lord upholdeth all that fall,
The cast-down raiseth up again.

15 The eyes of all things, Lord, attend,
And on thee wait that here do live,
And thou, in season due, dost send
Sufficient food them to relieve.

16 Yea, thou thine hand dost open wide,
And ev’ry thing dost satisfy
That lives, and doth on earth abide,
Of thy great liberality.

17 The Lord is just in his ways all,
And holy in his works each one.
18 He’s near to all that on him call,
Who call in truth on him alone.

19 God will the just desire fulfill
Of such as do him fear and dread:
Their cry regard, and hear he will,
And save them in the time of need.

20 The Lord preserves all, more and less,
That bear to him a loving heart:
But workers all of wickedness
Destroy will he, and clean subvert.

21 Therefore my mouth and lips I’ll frame
To speak the praises of the Lord:
To magnify his holy name
For ever let all flesh accord.