Psalm 67
Here we have, (1.) David’s prayer for the church of Israel, ver. 1. (2.) His supplication for the comforting, and praise-producing spread of the gospel among the Gentiles, ver. 2-5. (3.) His believing prospect of the divine blessings, and true piety, which should attend the same, ver.6-7.
While I sing, let me request the salvation of Israel. Let me supplicate the gathering of the nations to Shiloh. Let me praise the Lord, that already this great work is begun; and that the Lord, who is mighty, shall finish it in his time.
To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm or Song.
S.M. First Version
1 Lord, bless and pity us,
shine on us with thy face:
2 That th’ earth thy way, and nations all
may know thy saving grace.
3 Let people praise thee, Lord;
let people all thee praise.
4 O let the nations be glad,
in songs their voices raise:
Thou’lt justly people judge,
on earth rule nations all.
5 Let people praise thee, Lord; let them
praise thee, both great and small.
6 The earth her fruit shall yield,
our God shall blessing send.
7 God shall us bless; men shall him fear
unto earth’s utmost end.

Dennis Tune - SM
To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm or Song.
C.M. Second Version
1 Lord, unto us be merciful,
do thou us also bless;
And graciously cause shine on us
the brightness of thy face:
2 That so thy way upon the earth
to all men may be known;
Also among the nations all
thy saving health be shown.
3 O let the people praise thee, Lord;
let people all thee praise.
4 O let the nations be glad,
and sing for joy always:
For rightly thou shalt people judge,
and nations rule on earth.
5 Let people praise thee, Lord; let all
the folk praise thee with mirth.
6 Then shall the earth yield her increase;
God, our God, bless us shall.
7 God shall us bless; and of the earth
the ends shall fear him all.