Reformed Church Tennessee

Looking for a Reformed Church in Tennessee? Grace Chapel, Crossville, TN is the only Reformed Church in the state of Tennessee that holds to Scripture, the Westminster Standards without exception, and the Synod of Dordt. We follow the Westminster Directory of Public...

Christian Church Crossville TN

Looking for a Church? Grace Chapel, in Crossville, TN, is a faithful Christian church that holds to Scripture, the Westminster Confession without exception, and follows the Lord Jesus Christ in the historic teachings of the Good News of the Gospel. We center on the...

Best Presbyterian Church Crossville, TN

Looking for a Church? Grace Chapel, Crossville, TN is the only Reformed Church in the state of TN that holds to Scripture, the Westminster Confession without exception, and follows the Form of Presbyterian Church Government. We hold to the Westminster Directory of...

Reformed Church in Crossville, TN

Grace Chapel, Crossville, TN is the only Reformed Church in the state of TN that holds to Scripture, the Westminster Confession without exception, and is an exclusive psalmody church. We follow the Westminster Directory of Public Worship in our Lord’s Day...